ENGAGE 2015 hosts Thanksgiving dinner for local families

Explore New Growth and Gain Experience

December 11, 2015

By , Director of CoCurricular Programs 

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During Fall Quarter 2015, students from College Ten met on a weekly basis to plan how to fundraise money for the Nueva Vista Resources Center [NVRC]. The students wanted to raise money to purchase both fresh and canned goods to deliver to five local, proactive, Santa Cruz families. Through daily tabling, students informed the UCSC community about the needs of local low income families, and the vital importance of  the NVRC. They fundraised money through tabling, a successful Karaoke fundraiser event on campus, as well as setting up an online website donation link with youcaring.com.
ENGAGE successfully raised over $500 and was able to purchase fresh produce and other foods for 5 families to have ingredients to make a Thanksgiving dinner. The club was also able to purchase brand new toys and crayon sets for the families’ children.  A potluck bringing the families and the students together was an important and moving opportunity for learning about each others’ lives.  Students and families alike appreciated the opportunity to share their stories, and the children and teens were curious and excited to ask questions about the college experience.