- Our students have a myriad of opportunities to get involved and engaged with our colleges through leadership, internships, volunteering and paid positions. We rely on our student leaders to support our community of students through their amazing efforts. We simply could not do what we do without our student leaders. In order to pay tribute and acknowledgment of their efforts, we dedicate this page to our student leaders’ incredible contributions to our Colleges. Thank you and we hope you are inspired to continue this imperative work here and beyond.
Student Leadership Recognition Ceremony
Every year in May, we gather with our amazing student leaders to celebrate, acknowledge and honor their contributions to our Colleges. This year, due to COVID-19, we are unable to gather in person and instead, share this video and small gift (in the mail) for each of our student leaders. Thank you for all you do for our Colleges!
Our Leadership Awards are as follows:
Alumni Association College Service Award/Star Award
College Leadership Certificates
Jay Johnson
Jay Johnson was a CSO at College Nine and College Ten from when College Nine was first founded through Fall of 2006, when he passed away on duty. Jay cared deeply about the students and took time to learn their names, joke and chat with them about their lives, help them out with their questions, and point them in the right direction. He is remembered for his commitment to our colleges and for the positive impact he had in shaping our community. In honor of this amazing individual, the Jay Johnson awards were created.
There are two categories of the Jay Johnson award.
The Jay Johnson Leadership Award is presented to current student leaders who are in their third year or higher. Recipients are selected by College Nine and College Ten Staff.
The 2021 awardees are:
College Nine: Alexis Hooper
College Ten: Noel Ramos
The Jay Johnson Emerging Student Leader Award is intended for a first or second year student, affiliated with College Nine or College Ten. Recipients are both nominated and selected by a committee of current student leaders.
The 2021 awardees are:
College Nine: Kaylee Campos
College Ten: Chloe Magidoff
College Service Award
This next award, called the College Service Award goes to students who have contributed significantly to our colleges and campus during their time here.
The 2021 Awardees are:
List of 2021 College Service Awardees. Alexander Sung Heba Haque Leilani Dinkins Selena Lin Alexis Hooper Henna Uusitalo Manasa Handady Sierra Anderson Amy Bezek Ingrid Chen Megan Cao Sneha Jariwala Annika Duquet Ishani Deshpande Nicholas Adair Valerie Leung Avani Narayan Jeffrey Zhang Noel Ramos Vega Leung Bre Aguilar Jennie Nguyen Oscar E Licon Yuhan Li Brianna Prado Jill Manawang Poojitha Madaka Yuliana Espinoza Ramirez Cameryn Chan Jorge Del Toro Ree Hawksworth Lutzow Erika Pe Julissa Gonzalez Saloni Wasnik Gico Carlo Evangelista Kristin Jai Sean Hallahan
Alumni Association College Service Award/ Star Award
The Alumni Association College Service Award and scholarship goes to a student that has demonstrated exceptional service to their colleges and the campus as a whole, and who has also displayed strong academic achievements. Since the Alumni Office is no longer able to support this award, Colleges Nine and Ten have continued the tradition and have re-named the award, Star, to honor all of the bright stars among us. As you may recall the story of the person who began throwing the starfish back into the ocean one by one, they supported each starfish individually in the hope to inspire collective action, which is what we know our student leaders do every day.
The 2021 awardees are:
College Nine: Ree Hawksworth-Lutzow
College Ten: Annika Duquet & Vega Bugata
College Leadership Certificates
The College Leadership Certificate is an honor that represents significant, sustained leadership connected to one's college community and theme. Over several years, each recipient of the Certificate has participated in various leadership opportunities, ranging from taking college classes, being a member or leader of a college-affiliated group, and holding a student staff position. Through self-nomination and completion of the Leadership Journal, we're able to recognize the graduates that have actively engaged in our college communities and built leadership skills that reflect our themes.
For more information please visit this link.
The 2021 Certificate recipients are:
College Nine:
List of 2021 College Nine Leadership Certificate Awardees. Alexis Hooper Julissa Gonzalez Amy Bezek Megan Tran Cao Anna Hawksworth-Lutzow Oscar Eduardo Licon Briana Yarenny Prado Saloni Wasnik Cameryn E Chan Saxon Stahl Erika Hannah Pe Sierra Anderson College Ten:List of 2021 College Ten Leadership Certificate Awardees. Annika Erin Duquet Leilani Dinkins Bre Aguilar Noel Ramos Jorge Del Toro Vega Bugata