Leadership Opportunities
The Practical Activism Conference (PAC) is a day-long social justice conference led and organized by students from College Nine and John R. Lewis College, with the guidance of staff from the CoCurricular Programs Office. Student planners meet weekly in Fall and Winter Quarters, earning a total of 4-units that fulfill the PR General Education requirement. For more information, check out ways to get involved or email coco@ucsc.edu.
Upper Division College Nine students are invited to apply to teach CLNI 85: Global Action — a 2-unit, student-facilitated course in Winter Quarter that explores current global issues and fulfills the PR General Education requirement. Students learn about current international and global issues through interactive exercises, small-group discussions, and faculty presentations.
Students can apply to be a CLNI 85 facilitator and earn 5 units (that also fulfill the PR General Education requirement) in late Fall Quarter. Selected student facilitators go through training and meet weekly with an instructor to explore materials, techniques, and tools to facilitate their own weekly section of 15-20 students for CLNI 85. For questions, please contact coco@ucsc.edu.The Intercultural Community Weekend (ICW) is an overnight retreat where students deepen their awareness and connection to College Nine's theme of International and Global Perspectives. Through interactive exercises and small group discussions, students are given the opportunity to learn more about themselves and others and develop intercultural sensitivity and awareness. Learn more about how to apply for ICW here!
If you have participated in ICW, you can apply to be a co-facilitator and collaborate with a group of students and staff to develop this year’s retreat. For more information contact coco@ucsc.edu.CGs are responsible for producing a successful orientation of new College Nine and John R. Lewis College students in the fall. This team assists several other programs throughout the year, serving as tour guides, leaders within the college community, and resources for the new students. Recruitment takes place in the spring and requires early return for the fall quarter. This is a volunteer position with great perks! If interested, please visit our website, or contact the Activities Office at acpc910@ucsc.edu
The Apprenticeship in Commuinty-Engaged Research Program provides undergraduate students with a variety of opportunities to participate in community-engaged scholarship. (H)ACER trains students ihn participatory research methodologies and creates opportunites for for students to work in real world contexts. In collaboration with our communith partners, students engage in projects that address pressing issues such as social, economic, educational, and environmental injustice through an approach that pushes against deficit and damage-centered frameworks and honors the cultural, social, and epistemological strength of communith members. For more information, please contact (H)ACER.